
jack goes to preschool

he may have been just a little excited to go to school

dear jackers,

today you started preschool. i never thought this day would actually come. i remember bringing you home from the hospital. the thought of you going to school seemed like decades away. you have grown up so much. i am so proud of you, jack. you are such a special little boy. you're my best buddy. i'm the luckiest mommy in the world because i have you for my little boy.

on our way to school you were just grinning from ear to ear. you kept saying, "i'm so excited to go to my school!" i was excited for you too! but, i had just a tiny ache in my heart. on the short walk from the car to the school the last 4 years flashed before my eyes. i saw sleepless nights filled with pacing the floors with a crying baby. i saw a lot of tears and a lot of smiles. i saw your first steps. i heard your first word. i saw your first tooth. i saw your first hair cut. i saw you attached to my hip at all times. i saw that where ever i was you were there too. you have been my shadow. you and i have been through so much together. just you and me. though hard and frustrating at times i have loved every minute of it. its been just the two of us for so long. partners in crime. but, i realized as i was walking you into school that your life is now changing. and mine too. you are starting a new journey. i now have to let go of your hand and let you experience life. meet new people. try new things. i will always be right there cheering you on. i'm your number one fan. it's time to let your light shine, buddy. i hope that you will always be a good example to all your friends. always be kind and loving.

i love you, jack. i will always be here to help you out along the way. you make me so proud. i know that you can do anything.


and remember...

i'll love you forever
i'll like you for always
as long as i'm living
my baby you'll be

mommy loves you, jack!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

tear......love you both!