
Me: Jack, where is daddy?
Jack: (pointing to a picture) Right there.
Me: Well, that's a picture of him. But, where does daddy live?
Jack: In heaven with Jesus.
Me: That's right. Do you want to see your daddy again and live with him?
Jack: YES!!! And mommy, daddy and Jack can live together and play!
Me: Yeah, that will be so much fun.
Jack: And we can play dinosaurs and we can play hotwheels and we can play monsters!
Me: Yep, we can play all of those things.
Jack: Okay, let's go. Let's do it.
Me: Well, there are some things we need to do before we can see daddy again. We have to go to church and do all the things Heavenly Father wants us to do. We also have to be kind to our family and friends. You can't fight with your cousins. You have to learn to share and....

Jack cuts me off before I can finish.

Jack: MOM! I don't want to see daddy again.

Apparently, it's not worth it to see his daddy again if he has to share.

I have a long road ahead of me with this little boy. Wish me luck!


Me :) said...

Ha ha ha, he cracks me up.

Audrey said...

You know, that is incredibly sad and funny at the same time!

Audrey :)

Rachael said...

That is really funny. Sharing can be hard! :)