Oh, how my Jack keeps me on my toes. I had a neighbor who was over visiting and as she was leaving I told her I would walk out with her and bring the trash can inside. Our neighbors dog -which isn't small-ran inside our house. I ran in after it and on it's way out it grabbed one of Jack's socks. I ran after the dog to get the sock back. *I had to get it back. It was a Lightening McQueen sock. Jack wears them EVERY DAY!* Anyway, the dog freaked Jack out so he shut the door and locked it. I'm freaking out and mad at myself the whole time. Why hadn't I given my neighbor a spare key yet?! AH!! So, I'm hollering at Jack to unlock the door. He could tell I was worried and his voice got a little scared. My neighbor was there luckily to keep my calm. She stayed with Jack so I could run over to another neighbors house to get help. I finally called 911. As we were waiting for them I went to the front door to see if Jack could unlock that door. I'm trying to get him to come to the door.
A conversation between a mother and her 2 year old son:
Me: Jack come to the door and unlock it for Mommy.
Jack: I watching WOW WOW! (Wow Wow Wubbzy)
Me: Okay! Can you come unlock the door for Mommy, please?!!
Jack: No, I watching Wow Wow!!
Me: Okay, don't move. Stay on the couch!!
Jack: Okay!!
I was laughing because while I was outside panicking he was inside watching his cartoons. Like it was no big deal! He cracks me up. It made me feel so much better that he wasn't crying.
When we finally got the door unlocked I ran in and held him. He looked a little scared and said, "no more dogs mommy." He thought it was cool to see the police car.
Thank You Greg, Donnell and Cassidy!! And thank you "Wow Wow!"