
He Makes It All Worth It

Here are some random pictures of Jack. Lately, Jack has either been making me want to pull my hair out or is cracking me up. Yesterday, while I was in the shower, Jack comes in and says, "sorry momma." It was just so casual. Like it was no big deal. I soon found out what he was sorry for...he dumped out all the Pringles and stepped on them! Yes, one day I will look back on this and laugh...but, not for awhile. A long while. Tonight I told him it was time for bed and he needed to go pick out his books. We read 4 books every night. He brings me 8 tonight. Ya think he's trying to put off going to bed? After we read, we sing our songs....then lights out.

Here's our conversation as we're laying in there in the dark.
Jack: Mommy, I pooped.
Mommy: No, you didn't.
Jack: Mommy, I want juice. (I hand it to him)
Jack: Bank you, mommy.
Mommy: Your welcome, Jack. Night night.
Jack: Mommy, I pooped.
Mommy: No, you didn't.
Jack: Mommy, I want rocket ship.
Mommy: It's sleeping.
Jack: Mommy, I want Oswald.
Mommy: He's sleeping.
Jack: Mommy, I want Daisy.
Mommy: She's sleeping.
Jack: Mommy, I want Nelly. (neighbors dog)
Mommy: She's sleeping.
Jack: Mommy...(I cut him off)
Mommy: JACK! CLOSE YOUR EYES AND GO TO SLEEP! (I'm saying this in the most patient loving voice. But, I'm screaming it in my head)
Jack: Okay, mommy.
Jack: Mommy, tickle back. (I'm banging my head against the wall at this point)
I eventually won.


Vanessa said...

Hey I finally got a comment from you! Cool! So this is the sweetest thing ever! I was in tears and laughing! How is it at such small ages they can manipulate?

Vanessa said...

k so did Jack get a hair cut? Cute if so!

My Jack is going for the fohawk, all business in the front, party in the back. hahah