
I'm A Genius!

Lately, no matter what I do, Jack tells me I'm a genius. I fixed him a bowl of cereal for breakfast and he says, "Thanks mom! You a genius, mom!" I hope he still thinks that when he's older.

I can't get my pictures to download. So, I will leave you with one of Jack and Danny's friend. He and his wife and their little girl came over last month. Jack had so much fun with him. You guys can come over anytime!



Little boy: Mom, I want super-powers.
Me: Huh?
Little boy: I want super-powers.
Me: Um, okay. ZAP! There you have them now.
Little boy: Thanks mom!!


Happy Valentine's!!

This little guy will be my date for the day.


Every January 31st Jack and I go to the cemetery and release balloons. Jack drew a picture and we put it inside. Jack was more interested in playing in the snow.

Yes, that is a checkered flag balloon you see. Doesn't everyone like Nascar?

I know Jack's birthday is still 3 months away. But, I can't help but start thinking of how we're going to celebrate. Jack loves the color green. So, I would love to do this. However, I know we'll end up doing this. Love that boy!


Happy Anniversary...

you crazy kids!! We love you both so much!!


Why I love Pittsburgh

Football is like a religion there. Click here.